1.At the heart of Zhang's Olympic ceremonies was the idea that the conflict of man foretells the desire for inner peace.
2.Even if nothing very obvious happens on the material plane, as may be the case, this is usually a time of inner peace and contentment.
3.The feeling, when your long hair is flowing in the wind and sweeping in my face, is so smooth that i can enjoy a temporary inner peace.
4.Writing the seven paragraphs, he said, "is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution. "
5.I found inner peace, and was able to harness the flow of the universe.
6.Then close your eyes and breathe deeply until you feel a sense of inner Peace.
7.Below you will find some simple and easy to perform tips and suggestions to experience inner peace at your workplace.
8.Working in the garden. . . gives me a profound feeling of inner peace.
9.Similarly, an endless parade of incentives corrodes our ability to feel a genuine sense of inner peace (or inner conflict). ?
10.A state of inner peace eliminates anxieties, fears and worries, negative thoughts, stress, lack of satisfaction and unhappiness.